五年级英语作文300字 篇1When people get sick, they will go to see the doctor, the most common thing the doctor says is that to drink more water. Most people don’t put it in their hearts, thinking it is just useless. But drinking more water indeed brings people health, it can make the blood circulate quickly and get rid of the harmful part. So it is good for people to drink more water no matter what they are doing.
当人们生病了,就会去看医生,医生说得最多的就是多喝水。大部分人并没有把这个放在心上,觉得这是没有用的。但是多喝水确实能给人们带来健康,它能让人的血 ……此处隐藏623个字……们学校,你不懂英语怎么办哩!所以必须学好英语。我相信,同学一定会学好,对不对。同学们都异口同声的说:“对”。从老师这句话中我才深深体会到英语的重要性。从现在开始我要暗暗下定决心,把老师的话牢牢记在了心里,我要刻苦学习发奋图强把英语学好,将来还可以和外宾对话翻译,那该多方便呀!还能看懂外国的书籍,了解外国的先进经验,把外国的先进技术学到手,把祖国建设得更加繁荣富强。我一定要把各科学好考上重点高中,决不辜负老师对我们的期望。
五年级英语作文300字 篇7I am Tony.I have a computer.I have a new friend.His name is Jack.He is 12 years old.He is a student.He likes surfing the net.We often talk with each other in the chat room.We talk
in My net friend I am Tony.I have a computer.I have a new friend.His name is Jack.He is 12 years old.He is a student.He likes surfing the net.We often talk with each other in the chat room.We talk in English.My English is good now.He is a good boy.I like him
English.My English is good now.He is a good boy.I like him .